
我们反对教皇制、牧首制、非圣职宗派和新教的五个唯独教义(他们按只经派的逻辑解释唯独圣经);也反对所有主流基督教的取代神学教义。我们按字面理解神与以色列的永约、罗马书强调的以色列全家最终都将得救、以及启示录中的十二支派(启示录21:12;另参路加福音22:30等)就是以色列。“义人必因信得生”,这应许同时临在真基督徒(为耶稣作见证的,守耶稣真道的)和真以色列人(守神诫命的;启示录12:17,14:12)。在“太初有道”的启示真理中,归根结底,以色列全家最终得救也因基督(约翰福音14:6),这一神迹目前仍在奥秘之中。 “我们要因你的救恩夸胜,要奉我们神的名竖立旌旗。愿耶和华成就你一切所求的”(诗篇20:5);”把旌旗赐给敬畏你的人,可以为真理扬起来(诗篇60:4)。阿门

The Church and Israel

We oppose the papacy, patriarchal system, non-ordained denominations, and the five Solas of Protestantism (their logic explaining Sola Scriptura). We also oppose the replacement theology of all mainstream Christian denominations. We interpret literally the eternal covenant between God and Israel, emphasized in Romans that the whole house of Israel will ultimately be saved, and the twelve tribes in Revelation (Revelation 21:12; see also Luke 22:30) represent Israel.

“The righteous shall live by faith,” this promise applies to both true Christians (those who testify for Jesus and keep His commandments) and true Israelites (those who keep God’s commandments; Revelation 12:17, 14:12). In the revelation truth of “In the beginning was the Word,” ultimately, the whole house of Israel will be saved through Christ (John 14:6), this miracle remains a mystery.

“We will shout for joy over your salvation, and in the name of our God set up our banners! May the Lord fulfill all your petitions” (Psalm 20:5); “You have given a banner to those who fear you, that it may be displayed because of the truth” (Psalm 60:4). Amen.